Water Testing


To our Valued TRSWD Members – When was the last time you had your well water tested? TRSWD Board is offering, to all our members, a “Free Water Test” of your well(s) for Coliform & E-Coli Bacteria at no charge. The laboratory processing will be done by “Crisp Water Technologies, Inc.”. Crisp Water is located here in Missoula at 1709 South Ave West. They are staffed with highly qualified water specialists, Certified Water Operators and State and EPA Certified Laboratory Technicians.

The Free Testing Program began on April 1st and will run until canceled by TRSWD.

TRSWD is offering this free water test at no charge to our members to make sure your health and our precious aquifer and water resources are protected.

To participate in the “Free Water Testing Program” you must be a member of TRSWD, have a well that provides water to your home and be able to perform the following:

  • Pick up the water sampling kits at Crisp Water Technologies office located at 1709 South Avenue West (across from the old Jefferson Grade School) Tell them you are a member of TRSWD and let them know which tests you would like to have processed upon pickup.
  • It is important to read the instructions carefully before drawing your water sample for Coliform & E-Coli Bacteria. This will ensure you draw the sample with a sanitary process and return it to the lab within 24 hours of drawing it. (Please return all samples at the same time for simpler organization for the Crisp staff.)
  • Fill out the form provided and the bottles completely for proper data entry and reporting information. Reports and invoicing will be provided via email, unless otherwise noted.

This information is critical in the testing of your water sample. IT will be analyzed by Crisp Water Technologies and TRSWD in combining these results on how “HEALTHY IS YOUR WATER & OUR AQUIFER”. This information will allow TRSWD to maintain our mission in “Preserving our quality of life through planned management of our water resources”.

The testing of your well is very important to TRSWD in providing information to us to manage our aquifer. These testing results will allow TRSWD the ability to provide concise information to Federal, State, County, and City agencies in how any new development, subdivision, legislation, infrastructure, may impact TRSWD.

Ken Crisp CEO/General Manager of Crisp/Water Technologies, Inc. will be giving a presentation on the need for well testing. Ken will have data on the TRSWD area. This presentation will be given at the next Target Range Home Owners Association meeting on April 27th at the Target Range School Library. Please attend if at all possible this presentation will emphasize the importance of the testing of your well.

TRSWD wants all our members to participate in this program. We cannot emphasize enough how important this program is to your health and the health of our aquifer.

  • Crisp Water Technologies offers other tests you may want to consider: These additional tests are not covered by TRSWD; however, they are discounted to our members.
  • Nitrates: ($40.00) can be found when there are issues with septic system leaks and runoff. High nitrates can be a health issue for infants or individuals with a low or compromised immune system
  • Lead & Copper: ($55.00) If copper plumbing is present. This is not normally found in the water source. It comes from corrosion of copper plumbing, lead solder, and older fixtures and faucets containing lead.

If you have any questions on these tests or other issues concerning the testing of your water well call Crisp Water Technologies (406 549-8868) or visit their offices at 1709 South Avenue West (across from the old Jefferson Grade School).

TRSWD again wants all of our members to participate in this program at “no charge” to make sure that your health and the health of our aquifer is being monitored. Remember the first 400 members who participate in the program will receive the BIO and parameter analysis testing of their well at no charge.